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Couple On Yacht Spend Night Surviving 20 Foot Waves After Rescue Abandoned

Couple on Yacht Abandoned During Rescue, Survived 20-Foot Waves

News Lead:

A couple on a 36-foot yacht in the Pacific Ocean survived against the odds after being abandoned by rescuers during a storm. They endured 20-foot waves and 70-mph winds before making it safely to shore.

The Incident:

The couple, identified as David and Shelley Lesh, had sailed from Mexico to San Francisco when a storm hit on January 17th. Their engine quit, and the boat began taking on water.

They called the Coast Guard for help, who sent out two helicopters. However, weather conditions worsened, and the first helicopter was unable to reach them. The second helicopter had to leave them behind due to heavy fog.


After the second helicopter left, the couple was alone on their yacht with 20-foot waves battering it and 70-mph winds howling around them. The boat's cabin began taking on water, and they had to use a bucket to bail it out.

Despite being cold, wet, and exhausted, they continued bailing water throughout the night and into the next day. As darkness fell, they gathered all their flashlights and used them to signal for help.


On January 18th, a private tugboat spotted their distress signal and came to their rescue. The tugboat took the couple and their yacht to safety in Morro Bay, California.


The couple is currently recovering from their ordeal. They suffered minor injuries but are otherwise healthy.

The Coast Guard is investigating why the couple was abandoned during the rescue mission.

Lessons Learned:

  • Be prepared for emergencies when sailing.
  • Have a backup plan in case rescuers cannot reach you.
  • Stay calm and don't give up hope.
